B.E. Strong is an official 501(c)(3) nonprofit created in October 2021. It has two missions: 1) to make the 716 community stronger –one donation at a time–by giving to people and causes that would have mattered to Bannon Eimiller and 2) to help others who are grieving.
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All donations will go directly to the B.E. Strong 716 charity and are tax deductible. B.E. Strong 716 selects organizations, causes and individuals in the community that would have mattered to Bannon, who had a huge heart and much compassion for others.
In order to fulfill this mission, B.E. Strong 716 fundraises and then donates to causes and individuals in the 716 community. Each donation is subsequently shared with the public on our charity Facebook page, upon which we regularly post about what we are doing with the money so generously given.
In addition, the Facebook page is to share messages of positivity, resilience, and strength by journaling my own journey through grief in hopes of helping others who have lost loved ones and are struggling.